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Reincarnation and Mummification

October 28, 2015



Hinduism is the  world’s fourth largest religion with seven hundred fifty million  devotees. It was founded in the North of India, 4,000 years ago near the Indus River.  This makes it the oldest exiting religion in the world. 80% of all the modern Indian  population  are followers.  Reincarnation, a belief of “life after death,”  was begun with Hinduism.  They believe that the soul is eternal and lives many life times in one body after another while the  preceding body, or container of the soul, rots or is burned up.    The body may be  human,  animal, or plant.  They believe that any form of of life contains a soul (atman) and thus has a chance  to experience life in different forms. Good deeds or works preformed  means you will move up the cycle  in the next life. Moska is what all are working to attain which is the ultimate release…

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  1. Angel Fish permalink

    I remember when I was learning Hieroglyphics one of the things I was asked to read was a piece of writing from a scrib. It was a simple message but it said:

    “If our pharoh rises from the dead, how come his body remains in the tomb? And why do we waste so much time and expense preparing tombs for him?”

    I think I still have the text book I’ll have to find it again. Needless to say pharaohs usually had their head filled up, the common man didn’t seem so naive. What could that say for politicians? 😛

    • You make a good point. I don’t believe in reincarnation. Being a Born-again Christian, I believe that after my death my spirit will go to heaven, but my body will remain on earth until later.
      Politicians are a hopeless cause. I think they’re brain shrivels to walnut size and the rest of the space remains dead air.
      Hieroglyphics must have been an interesting subject. I may have one of my characters do that. I like to find something unusual for them, but not too far off base.

      • Angel Fish permalink

        Hieroglyphics is pretty easy to learn even for kids. I did it in high school on the side. It can be as simple or complicated as you want to make it anyway there’s lots of books out there.

  2. They didn’t offer hieroglyphics as one of the languages at my school. Shame. I was stuck with Spanish (3 years) and French (2 years). 🙂
    The character idea is barely formed. I’ve considered just doing it as a silly note or as a secret message. I’ll add this to my character folder so I have it when I’m ready and can look it up then.
    Recently I met a psychologist and the idea came to me to make that a job for a character. They guy can’t find true love because his occupation scares the women away–they don’t want to be analyzed. I need an unusual job for the female, but haven’t come up with one yet. It needs to be one that the male character finds obnoxious.
    I truly didn’t need another book idea, but it’s in the folder now. I may get to write it when I’m 80.

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