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Bananas get a Bad Rap but Deserve Respect

November 18, 2021

I love bananas and have them often, especially in a peanut butter sandwich. I’ve put them on ice cream and in milkshakes. My husband found a banana nut bread recipe that we all like and he makes 2 loaves every couple months. They disappear fast.


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Even though grocery stores sell more bananas than any other fruit, (my son told me that when working in the produce department of Loblaws years ago) the jury is out on whether they are good for you or not.

Some people believe their high starch and natural sugar (fructose) content should be avoided when watching your weight. Others believe their high potassium and fiber levels as well as good protein content are all good for our muscles and energy levels before and after a workout. The potassium also helps regulate blood pressure levels.

So, who is right? Both, it just depends on your goals.

Avoid Bananas if Trying to Lose Weight

For example, if I am trying to lose a few pounds I avoid bananas, relying on healthy food choices with less starch and sugar levels. That’s because this sugar and starch cause a rise in insulin levels…

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